Diamond Sponsor
Platnium Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor

Email Artwork
Pay By Check:
Please make it out to Laurel Oak Elementary PTO and send to the school
Other ways to get involved during the Year:
Donate a silent auction item for our Fall Fundraiser.
Be a preferred vendor at our Fall Festival(families and students attended) by providing free or discounted services and/or products. Excellent exposure opportunity. Last year we had 1,000 in attendance at the first Fall Festival and we expect this number to be much larger this year.
Donate to our Winter Walkathon fundraiser by funding t-shirts that the walkers receive for raising a specific amount of money (great business exposure!) Also accepting donations for fun achievement prizes.
Donate or provide items for Teacher Appreciation events held throughout the year. The official Teacher Appreciation week is held in May each year but we have back to school opportunities and holiday opportunities.
Host a School Spirit Night– we are looking for ways to celebrate our school outside of school 3-4 times a year.